Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Closer Look at the Benefits of Robotic Surgery

Quite simply, robotic surgery is the use of robots in performing surgical procedures. Today, doctors all over the world are starting to learn to use sophisticated robots to perform or aid in performing surgical procedures on patients because of better accuracy, miniaturization, and incisions. As a result, patients may benefit due to less pain, decreased blood loss and quicker healing time. The computer technology in robots can also facilitate doctors by allowing immediate research, necessary information gathering from its database, and video call to other doctors, if needed.

While robots have a natural advantage of better precision and data gathering, surgeons are still needed for their intelligence and ability to make complex decisions. Hence, surgeries cannot be done by a robot alone. There are three kinds of robotic surgery systems based on the robot's level of involvement; telesurgical systems, supervisory controlled systems, and shared control systems. On one end of the spectrum, robots perform surgical procedures and techniques without any direct involvement from the surgeon. On the other end, it is the surgeon who performs most of the surgical procedure with the assistance of a robot either physically or through the robot's computer system. Further, there are also three main steps that can be pointed out in a general robotic surgery intervention: data gathering and subsequent planning, intra-operative assistance, and post-operative patient control.

Data gathering and subsequent planning

Before the patient undergoes surgery, a series of tests will be performed. During this pre-operative phase, several medical imagery techniques such as MRI, Ultrasonics and scanners will be applied to the patient so that the robot may detect, locate and model the anatomical entities involved in the surgical procedure. At the same time, the robot will create a mechanical model in its computer system based on the gathered results from the medical tests. This will be used to describe and simulate the surgical procedure, as well as discuss potential problems that may occur during the intervention.

Intra-operative assistance

The results obtained and the mechanical model created in the previous phase will then be used as a guide during the operation itself. The surgeon, as a result, can calibrate his techniques and decisions in accordance with the robot's data. The robotic system is able to provide interactive assistance, as well as constrain the movements of the surgeon to allow better and more efficient precision during the surgery. In addition, supplementary 3D visuals of organs from tele-operated robots would allow speedier operations.

Post-operative patient control

The use of a robotic system allows complete recording of previous surgical procedures including crucial moments, for future reference. More importantly, the healing time of a patient that underwent surgery is significantly decreased when done or aided by a robotic system. For instance, in 2007, a surgical team led by Dr. Pier Giulianotti performed a liver resection, removing 60% of a patient's liver with the use of a fully automated robotic system. To the surprise of many, the patient left the hospital just two days after the operation, in very good condition. The patient also stated that due to the four puncture holes rather than a scar brought about by the surgery, he was able to heal quicker and with less pain. GP

About the Author:
Ruhfus are specialists in hydraulic cylinders and recommends Emics, a privately owned laboratory specialising in calibration services.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pharmaceutical Companies Accused of Bioterrorism Plot For Profit

Two pharmaceutical companies, Avir and Baxter, are been reported to the FBI for knowingly distributing vaccine material contaminated with the bird flu virus H5N1. They are also accused of bioengineering the current swine flu virus. This "swine virus" is a hybrid of part swine flu, part human flu and part bird flu, something that can only come from laboratories according to many experts.

The person making these criminal charges is an Austrian investigative journalist by the name of Jane Burgermeister. Ms Burgermeister alleges that Avir and Baxter produced and distributed the contaminated vaccine material and created the swine influenza virus for the purpose of creating a world swine influenza pandemic from which they would make billions of dollars in profits from their new vaccine which is due to be released in July.

That the vaccine material was contaminated was discovered by a member of staff at BioTest in the Czech Republic. When it was tested on ferrets the ferrets died.

There is an alternative explanation as to why the material contained the H5N1 virus. The contamination was accidental, caused by "human error". The vaccination material came from Baxter's lab in Austria which is known for being one of the worlds most secure biosecurity labs. However good security systems and procedures are, there is always the possibility of human error causing accidents in the vaccination production process. For example one of the best known cases of vaccine contamination is the Polio immunisation.

The Salk and Sabin Polio immunisation which was distributed between 1954 and 1963 was polluted with the Rhesus monkey simian virus, code name SV-40. What's so special about this? In 1959 a government researched named Bernice Eddy suggested that SV-40 may be causing cancers in humans. Much later two doctors Ben Sweet and M.R. Hilleman, at the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research, confirmed that SV-40, from Rhesus monkey kidneys used in production of Polio immunisation, had the potential to trigger cancers.

We had to wait over twenty years for proof but now we know. During the 1990's various studies confirmed the presence of the Rhesus monkey simian virus in the tumours of many cancer victims. One such study conducted at the Loyola Medical Center in Chicago, showed that almost 4 out of 10 patients with bone cancer, almost 6 in every 10 mesothelioma cancer victims, plus many brain cancer victims had the SV-40 virus. It seems that SV-40 can interfere with a cell's ability to resist malignancy due to blocking a key protective protein.

There are now hundreds of millions of people around the world who are more susceptible to developing cancer.

The above is just one incident among many. Vaccinations are often withdrawn from use because of some fault in the production process or pollution with live viruses. In many cases the vaccination has been in use for some time before the problem is identified.

Are Avir and Baxter guilty? We will not know until the FBI conclude their investigation, that is if they take the allegations seriously. Whatever the outcome the story of two pharmaceutical companies plotting to start a world influenza pandemic in order to boost profits would make a good work of fiction. Ms Burgermeister should consider writing a book.

Vaccine Safety and Vaccination Information